Peninsular Rivers

The Peninsular Rivers


Namaste... This is Vaishnavi In my previous Video we have learned about the Himalayan Rivers. And now discuss about the Peninsular Rivers. So we find the sources most of the rivers in mountains like Aravali Hills, India Satpura Range, Westran Ghats, Estern Ghats and Plateaus like Chotanagpure Plateau.

01. So we dived the peninsular rivers into two, the rivers which joints the Bay of Bengal, and rivers which joints the Areaban Sea.
02. First lets discus the rivers which joints the Bay of Bengal. Let's begin with longest river in peninsular India, do you know what is it. Yes, it is Godavari.
03. It is also the second longest river in India. After Ganga. So it is also called as Dakshin Ganga.
04. This is (SP) Godavari - it orginate in Triabakewar - Nasik - Maharastra at Westeran Ghats,
05. (SP) it flows through Maharastra (SP) enter Telangana at Basara and (SP) here we have a Dam that is (SP) Sri Ram Sagar Praject SRSP
06. And here (SP) another one in Telangana that is (SP) Ellampally Project.
07. The Next here that (SP) it acts as a border between Maharastra and Telangana and a little bit in Chattisghad and Telanga.
08. Than it comes in Telangana (SP) and then enters Andhrapradesh and we have here two more projects that is one is Polavaram and another is Dhavaleswaram Project.
09. Dhawaleswaram project is also known as Sir Arthar Khtan Project (SP)
10.So at this project that Godavari split into two (SP) this one and this one.
11. (SP) So this is Gowtami, and this is (SP) Vasista. So these both.
12. So the Godavari enter into the Bay of Bengal at Antarvedi.
       So this is Godavari.

So let us discuss It"s tributaries.
01. First the right bank tributaries, the right bank tributaries begins with the longest one or longest tributary of Godavari, is this (SP) that Mangeera.
02. It origins at Bhalaghat hills which are a part of  the Western Ghats in (SP) in Maharastra,
03. And flows through Maharastra, Karnataka and Telangana and we have a (SP) project of Mangeera that is Nizamsagar Project,
04. And then (SP) it joints the Godavari at Kandakurithi (SP).
      So this is Mangeera. 

01. Then next one, next right bank tributary is this one (SP) it is Maneeru,
02. It flows only in Telanga (SP), It starts from Upper Maneru reservoir, and joints the Godavari at Nagapuram (SP).
    This is Maneru.

This two major right bank side tributaries of Godavari this both starts with Letter "M"

01. So the next left bank tributaries, so the first one, (SP) this river is Vardha (SP) and this one is Venganga,
02. These two Originate in Satpura Range in Madhyapradesh and these both joints here at border of Maharastra and (SP) Telangana and form Pranahita, (SP) So this is Pranahita.
03. And This Vardha has a majar tributary this is Venganga. So it originates at Ajanta Hills and joints with the Vardha. So this Pranahita joints Godavari at Kalewaram (SP).

01. So then the next one (SP), that is Indravati this Indravati Originates Dandakaranya Range in Orissa,
02. Which is part of Estern Ghats, and flows through Orissa (SP), Chattisghar, and it acts as a some time between Chatisghad and Maharastra,
03. It joints  the Godavari (SP) at Medigadda.
     So this is Indravati.

01. Then Next one this (SP) one is Sabari, it originates in Singaram Range,
02. Which is a part of Estran Ghats in Orissa, flows (SP) Orissa at (SP) boundary between Chatisghad and Orissa and then joints the Godavari.
03. It joints the Godavari at Kunavaram in Andhra Pradesh.
      It is Sabari,

So we have completed the drainage system of Godavari.


Next let comes to Krishna. This is (SP) Krishna,
01. It's source is Mahabalewar in Maharastra (SP) flows through Maharastra, Karnataka here we have a Dam (SP) on Krishna, it is Almatti Dam (SP)
02. Then it enters Telangana and we have another Dam that is Jurala Dam (SP) and here another one this is Srisailam Dam Project,
03. And here acts as boundary between Telangana and Andhra Pradesh and there we have Nagarjuna Sagar Project
04. Then it returns into AP (SP) and forms a Delta and joints into Bay of Bengal at near Hamsala Deevi.
     So this is Krishna.

Let us discuss about its tributaries,
01. This one (SP) it is Koyna, it originates in Mahabalewar and it flows through only Maharastra and Joints the Krishna (SP) at Karar.

01. Then the next one tributaries (SP) is this, it is Ghataprabha,
02. It originates at Western Ghats at Maharastra (SP) and then flows through Maharastra, Karnataka, then joints the Krishna (SP) at Almatti.
     So this is Ghataprabha.

01. And then the next one (SP) Malaprabha, this originates also in Western Ghats in Karnataka
02. Flows through only Karnataka (SP) and joints the Krishna at Kudal Sangama,
     This is Malaprabha.

01. Then the next now comes to left bank tributary, it is the longest tributary of Krishna. Do you know what is it? Yes it is Bhema.
02. So this Bhema originates Bhema Sankar Western Ghats in Maharastra (SP) flows through Maharastra Karnataka (SP) and joints Krishna at Raichoor.
    So this is Bhama.

01. Then the next one, again the right bank tributary is formed two streams join (SP) Tunga one and Bhadra.
02. Another one (SP) joint at Kutti at Karnataka to form Tunga Bhadra (SP), so this is Tunga Bhadra,
03. On Tunga Bhadra we have Dam it is Tunga Bhadra Dam. It flows though Karnataka and it acts as border between Telagana and Andhra Pradesh and it joints the Krishna at Alampur. (SP) so this is Alampur (SP)
    So this Tunga Bhadra River.

01. The next one let comes to left bank tributary (SP) this one, This is Dindi (SP), it origins from Dindi Reservoir and joints with Krishna at Pogilla.   It flows only in Telangana,
     This is Dindi.

01. Then the next one this (SP) it Musee river, This Musee river originates in Anantagiri Hills at Vikarabad Dist., in Telangana,
02. It flows through Capital City of Telangana Hyderabad is on the banks of Musee.
03. It was known as Muchikunda river in early days,
03. So this Musee joints the Krishna at Wazerabad.
      This is Musi.

01. Then the next go to (SP) this one it is Muneeru River,
02. It flows through Telangana and Andhra Pradesh Originates at Wyra Reservoir at Wyra villaga  in Telangana (SP) and then joints with Krishna at Eturu.
This is Munneru.

So we completed the drainage system of Krishna.

Penna River

Next let come to another one (SP) this one, it Penna river, it originates in Nandi Hils in Karnataka (SP) enters the Andhra Pradesh and then joints the Bay of Bengal (SP), so this is Penna River.

Then let us see tributaries too. The first one is that is (SP) Chitravati, and next one (SP) this is Papagni so these three Penna, Chitravati, Papagni these three originates in Nandi hils at Karnataka.

Kaveri River

01. So next let's comes to the major river of South India this one (SP) it is Kaveri River,
02. It originates at Talakaberi in Karnataka. Flows through Karnataka here we see a Dam (SP) this it is Krishna Sagara Dam,
03. It flows through Karnataka, enters the Tamilnadu (SP), then we see another Dam that is Grand Anikat Dam,
04. Then after forming a big Delta and joining into the Bay of Bengal.
      So this is Kaveri River.

Let's see  the tributaries of Kaveri, first this one (SP) this is Hemavati river,
02. This Hemavati river originates near Ballala Rayana Durga in Chikmangulure Dist.,
this is Hemavati river.

And next one, (SP) this is Laxman Rekha, Laxmanthirtha River.
02. The Laxmantirtha river originates in the Brhmagiri Hills at Kodagu.
03. This is Laxman Thirtha River. So these both joins at the point where the Krishnaraja Sagara Dam is constructed.

01. So the next one it is (SP) the  Kabini river.  It originates in Kerala in Westeran Ghats,
02. Flows through Kerala Karnataka and then joints the Kaveri river,
03. So we have a popular city (SP) this one, it is Mysoor it is located between Kaveri and Kabini river.
This is Kabini River.

So next let's go to next tributary this one (SP) it is left bank tributary,
01. This is Arkhavati, it flows through only in Karnataka originates in Nandi Hills and then joints the Kaveri.
So this is Arkhavati river.

So then again the right bank tributaries (SP)
01. This one it Bhavani river. So this Bhavani river originets in Kerala Western Ghats and joints the Kaveri river.

The next one is this it is (SP) the longest tributary in Tamilnadu, it is Amaravati river, so this originates in the Annamalai Hills in Tamilnadu and at last joints the Kaveri.

Let's go to the North of the Godavari,

We have completed the all rivers.

01. Let's go there we find another river (SP) that is Mahanadi River,
02. It originates in Chattishghad Dandakarnya Range (SP) flows through Chattisghad (SP)
03. Enters Orissa and here we find a Dam that is Herakud Project it is a longest Dam in India (SP). 04. And Orissa here forms a Delta and joints in to the Bay of Bengal.
      And this is Mahanadi river.

01. So we have the tributaries (SP) it is Shiyonath Tributary, it originates in Chattisghad,
02. Only flows through Chattisghad and joints the Mahanadi.
03. So the capital city of Chittisghad that is Raipur is suchiated shiyonag and Mahanadi here (SP).
      This is Shiyonath River,

01. So the next river this one (SP) it is formed and went two streams joints together (SP) they are, this is Sank and this is South Koal,
02. Sank and South Koal both originates in Chotanagpur Platue of Jharkhand, and they join in Orissa,
03. And form the The Bharhmani river it flows through Orissa and joints the Bay of Bengal
      So this Brahani river.

01. Then the next river (SP) this one it is Suvarnarekha River
02. It is SP) it is also originated in Chotanagpur Plateau  in Jharkhand and acts as border between Jharkhand and West Bengal
03. And then joints the Bay of Bengal in Orissa. So this is Suvarnarekha river.

 Now we completed the rivers joints the Bay of Bengal

Now let's come to the rivers which Aribian Sea

Need picture here.....

Narmada River

So here let start here (SP) this is Narmada river
01. It originates in Amarkantak in Madha Pradesh (SP) flows through Madhya Pradesh here we have a Dam (SP) this one is Indira Sagar Dam,
02. It flows through Madhya Pradesh, Gurath and we see here one Dam that is Sardar Sarover Dam,
03. And it joints the gulf of Combat this is the part of Areabin Sea (SP) this is Gulf of Combat,
     This is the Narmada.

Then the next tributaries of Narmada this one (SP) it is Tava in originates in Satpura Range Madhya Pradesh flows only Madhya Pradesh joints the Narmadha River.

Tapati River

Then the next river is this (SP) it is Tapati river it originates in Satpura Range Flows through Madhya Pradesh, Maharastra (SP) and Gujrat and joints the Gulf of Combat, this is the Tapati River it originates in Satpura Range.

Let's see the tributaries of it's (SP) this one it is the Poorna river, the Poorna river originates in Satpura Range flows through Maharastra Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat and joints the Tapati. So this Purna river.

Mahi River

Next let go to tributary so (SP) this river is Mahi river, it originates in Madhya Pradesh, Vindya Mountan vindya range, (SP) enters Rajastan and then Gujrat and then joints the Gulf of Combat. This is the Mahi River

Sabarmati River

And next one is the Sabarmati river which originates in Aravali that is Dhebhag Lake (SP) here there a lake called Debhag Lake enters Gujarat and again joints the Gulf of Combat. This is Sabarmati river.

Luni River

So next river is this one (SP) it is Luni river in Originates in Aravali Range flows through the Thaar Desart of Rajastan enters the Gujrat (SP) here it disappears in the Rana of Kach of Gujrat (SP) here. So is only river which doe't join the see of in India. So it is Luni.

So we have completed all peninsular rivers, these are the peninsular rivers.

Thank Q


  1. Tqqq so much mam it was very helpful hoping for such an important and useful information
    Thank you ☺️☺️


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