Maps - Indus Map Details

Indus Map Details

Namastee... this is Vishmai, I am 6th Class Student of Krishnaveni Talent School. We learned about Indian rivers, we divide Indian rivers into two, Himalayan rivers and the peninsula rivers. So first we in this video we learn about the Himalayan rivers. Has you know there are mainly three Himalayan rivers, they are the Indus, Gangan, and Brahmaputra rivers. First we learn about the Indus.
     So Here (showing point) the Indus source near Mansarover, This is Mansarover, near Mansarover in the Kailash range in Tibet Chaina. So it flows through Tibet enters India Jumma and Kashmeer, Flows to J&K and enters Pakistan. So it is a national river of Pakistan and longest river in Pakistan. So then at last it Joins at Areabin Sea at Karachi. So this is Karachi.
1. Hai Friend's, Namaste... I am Vishmai 6th Class Student of Krishnaveni Talent School.
2. We know about Indian Rivers those are divided into two, Himalayan Rivers and Peninsula Rivers.
3. The Himalayan rivers mainly three, they are Indus, Ganga, Bramhaputra.
3. These not only rivers rivers system.
4. This is the Indus (Show point) here the source of Indus.
5. First we are going to the importance of Indus river.
The Indus river is:- as you know
i. One of the longest river in Asia,
ii. This river has historically been impotent to many cultures of the region.
iii. Early Historical Kingdoms that across in the Indus valley.
iv. India is a Latin and Greek term for the "The country of the river Indus".
v. In other languages of the region, the river is known as Sindhu.

01. The river originating in the western parts of Tibetan Plateau the vicinity of Kailash mount and Lake Mansarovar. (SP)
02. The Indus river flows through Tibet and enters in India the Ladakh region of Kashmir. (SP)
03. After entering in India it flows through Jammu and Kashmir, towards Gilgit-Baltistan and the Hindukush ranges. (SP)
04. Then flows southerly direction along entire length of Pakistan to merge into the Arabian Sea near the Port City of Karachi. (SP)
05. Here this the Karachi (SP)
05. The Indus is the longest river and National river of Pakistan.

01. An Asian civilization, Indus valley civilization was located at the banks of this river.
02. Here in this part, the country name India derives from this river Indus. (Mark the point) So this is Indus.
03. So Now look at the tributaries of Indus.
04. The Indus river flows through three Country's China-Tibet, India, in India - J&K and Pakistan.
05. The Indus river has right side and left side of tributaries.
07. Zankar, Suru, Soan, Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Beas, Sutlei, Panjnad, Ghaggar, Hakra, Luni rivers.
08. Some tributaries are in Pakistan and some are in India, they are....... (SAY tributary names)

01. First (mark the point at) this one, mainly there are main left 5 tributaries.
02. Let see about the first here, (Mark point) this one Chinab.
03. It source is near Baralapcha in Himachal Pradesh, it flows throw Himachal Pradesh - J&K and enters into the Pakistan and at last Joints the Indus at Mithan Kot near Multan.
04.  Literally Chenab means moon river chin + ab,  or Chandra Bhagh Chandra+Bhagh.
05. Chandra Bhagh these two rivers form a Chinab tributary.
So this is Chinab.

01. So now next go to the (show the point) river this one, it is Jhelum.
02. The Jhelum show Verinag Water Spring at foot of Pir Panjal Gari Hills.
03. So you can see Chenab flows parallel to thees Jhelum.
04. The Jhelum flows J&K go's throw at here the capital of J&K - banks of this river, that is Sreenagar (Point show Sreenagar) and then we find a lake the Jhelum flows through the lake (show the point) this is Wular Lake,
05 And then (show point) so here it takes a sharp air pin bend at (show Point) Muzaffarabad,
06. This is Muzaffarabad and turn south (SP) for some time here it act's as border India and Pakistan, then enters into the Pakistan.
07. And last joints with Chenab at Trimmu. (SP). This is Jhelum.

01. So Next, let's got next river (SP) This one, It is Ravi.
02. It's source is near Kangra Dist in Himachal Pradesh, it flows through Himachal Pradesh, Panjab and enters into the Pakistan.
03. So here one of the main city of Pakistan that is Lahor (SP),
04. Lahore lays at the bank of this river (SP) and then it joints at Chenab at Hamadpursiyal (SP).
      So This is Ravi.

01. Next let us got the river that is tributary that is longest tributary of Indus tributaries left side tributaries.
02. It flows near Mansasarover and Rakshastal Lekes in Kailash Range Tibet, here (SP) and flows through Tibet.
03. Enters the India the state (SP) Himachal Pradesh and here we find the largest Dam of India. do you know it Yes, It is the Bakranangal Dam (SP).
04. The Bakra Dam located at Himachal Pradesh and Nangal Dam is located at Punjab. (SP).
05. So than enters the Pakistan and at last joints with Chinab end's with Meetanpur.
      So this is Sutlaj.

01. So Next river is (SP), it- this is Beas.
02. So you can see here it is Rohtang Pass in Himachal Pradesh (SP), it flows to Himachal Pradesh enter in Panjab and Joints the Sutlaj (SP) Near Kapurtala. So this is Beas.
03. So as you see, if you see these five tributaries, only Beas flowing completely in India.
04. So at this point (SP) You can find the water of these five tributaries (SP)
05. So from here to here, we call this as Panjnad (SP).
      So this is called Panjnad.

Ganga River

So we have completed the drainage system of Indus. Now lets go to the Ganga.
01. The Ganga Source is Two streams joints together and fall Ganga (SP).
02. So one it is - this is Bhagerathi (SP) and another is Alaknanda (SP).
03. This is Bhagirathi and Alaknanda. So Gangotri Source is Gangotri Glacier. and Alaknanda source is Sabarnath Glister.
04. So find the highest Dam in India on this Bhagirathi River (SP)
05. This one that is Tehri Dam. So this Both Bhagerathi Alaknanda meet at Devprayag in Uttrakhand and form Ganga.

01. So the Ganga enter the Place at Haridwar (SP) this one.
02. So the Ganga flows to Uttarakhand - Uttarapradesh (SP), Bhihar, slightly Jharkhand, West Bengal than enter's the Bangladesh where it is called is Padma. And then joints with Bangladesh.
03. And joints in Bay of Bengal. So this is Ganga (SP).
       here it is called Padma (SP).

01. The Ganga is a largest river of India. and now let see the tributaries of Ganga.
02. First the left Ganga tributaries, the first one (SP) is this it is Ram Ganga,
03. This originates in Uttarakhand - Namik Glacier, and we find a dam (SP) that is Ram Ganga Dam, 04. Flows through Uttarakhand and Uttarpradesh Than joints with Ganga (SP) at Kanauj in Fathgarh Dist., in Uttrapradesh. (SP).
      So this is Ram Ganga.

01. Then the next one this (SP) it is Gomti, it's source is Northern UP, originates from Gomat Taal near Tanda
02. It flows through Uttarapredesh, we find here the Capital City of UP that is Lacknow on the bank of this river (SP).
03. It flows through only UP and turn joins the Ganga near Varanasi (SP).
      This is Gomti.

01. (SP) it is the Ghaghra river, it source is in Tibet Flows through Tibet and enter the Nepal
02. It is the longest river in Nepal (SP). Enters the India the state UP.
03. And then (SP) joints here with (SP) Ganga near Chapra.
04. The Ghagra river is largest river of Volume tributary of Ganga.
       So this is Ghaghra

01. Now next got the tributary, this one (SP) Gandak.
02. It's source is in Nepal, flows through Nepal and enters into the India in Bihar and joints the Ganga at Sonepur in Bihar.
    This is Gangak.

01. So the Next one (SP) this, it is Kosi. So it's source in Nepal, flows through Nepal like Gangak,
02. Enter's India in Behar and joints with Ganga near (SP) Bhagal Pur. So it is also called as sorrow of Bengal. (SP)
     This is Kosi.

01. So the next one this (SP) it is Mahananda. This river originate in Darjeeling West Bengal,
02. Flows through West Bengal and here (SP) Enters Bangladesh and after some times joints with Ganga or Padma.
       This is Mahananda.

So we have completed the left range tributaries of Ganga.

Next go's to the right bank.
01. So first we find tributary as you know very well, this is Yamuna.
02. Though show Yamunotri Glacier in Uttara Khand (SP), after some time act as the boundary between Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand (SP).
03. And then between Hariyana and UP (SP) so we find here that the Capital city of India New Delhi on the Banks of this river, (SP)
04. It flows parallel to Ganga and then Joints the Ganga at Alahabad (SP). This is Yamuna.

So the Yamuna has mainly three tributaries (SP), so one is (SP) this is Chambal. (SP) this is Sindh. (SP) and this is Betwa. So these three originates in MP.

So next we go to the tributary find here (SP),
01. it is Son, it's source is Amrkantak Paltue in Chattisghad, (SP) flows through Chattiesghad - MP - UP than Jarkhand and Behar (SP)
02. and joints the Ganga near Patna (SP) this is Patna. Near the Patna in Bihar
      This is Soan

01. So next before going to that let me saying some thing when the Ganga is entering the Bangladesh into two.
02. one is Padma river another one is, it flows through West Bengal and at last joints the Bay of Bengal.
03. So this is the Hugly river. So the Capital of West Bengal that is Kolkatta is suchitchatted on the Banks of Hugly river.

01. So Go to next tributary we find here (SP) it is Damodara River, we find it source in Chotanagpur plaintive of  Jharkhand,
02. Flows through Jharkhand and enters West Bengal, so here joints with Hugly.
03. So this is Damodara. So this Damodara is called sorrow of West Bental. So this Kosi is called sorrow of Behar, and Damodara is called as sorrow of WB.
     So we completed the Drainage system of Ganga.


Now go to the Brahmaputra.
01. So the Brahmaputra (SP) it originate at Chemayungdung Glacier in Tibet Chaina it flows through Chaina (SP)
02. And takes the south direction and enter into India in Arunachal Pradesh it flows through Arunachal Pradesh - Assam,
03. Flows through Assam and enter's the Banglash where joints with Padma or Ganga and at last joints in Bay of Bengal.
04. So there two Ganga and Brahmaputra they make the largest Delta of the World in Banglash (SP). 05. This is called as Ganga Brahaputra Delta or Sunderban Delta or Bengal Delta.

So now we see about Brahamaputra,
01. The Brahamaputra have different names with different regions. Let us have get them.
02. So in Tibet Brahamaputra has know as Tsangpo when it enters the India. When enter's in India as called Dibang - saying.
03. And then when Drawing with Lohit we discuss with about letter a tributary is called a Brahaputra.
04. After that when it joints with tributaries and also called Jamuna.
05. When joints with Meghana (SP) another river it is called as Meghana. So this is Meghana.
06. So now the Brahamputra it is also called as Red river of India.

So let us see the tributaries
01. First a Lohit, left bank tributaries, first we will see a tributary (SP) originates in Eastern Tibets,
02. Flows through Tibet enter's into India at Arunachal Pradesh (SP),
03. So here we find a Bridge, which is a longest Bridge in India. so it is called Bhupen Hazarika Bridge (SP),
04. So it joints with Bramhaputra it is Lohit,

01. Another tributary that is Dibang (SP) it source is in Arunachal Pradesh flows through Arunachal Pradesh in Assam,
02. It joints with Lohit and then with Brahmaputra. So this is Dibang.

01. So next comes to the next left bank tributary this one (SP) it is Dhansiri.
02. So it's source in Assam (SP) and it flows through only in Assam and joints the Brahmaputra, This is Dhansiri.

We are completed the left bank tributaries,
01. Let we go to the right bank tributaries. First we find (SP) a tributary Subhansiri,
02. Originates in Tibet enters the India in Arunachal Pradesh flows in Arunachal Presh and Assam and joints the Brahmaputra near the mouth of  Dhansiri.
03. So it has a name riming in Dhansiri. it is called Subhansiri, so before the Dhansiri and Subhansiri mouth we have (SP) this one a river Iland it is largest river Iland in the world.
Do you know it. Yes. it is Majuli River Iland.

01. Than come to next tributary we find this one (SP) this it originates in Arunachal Pradesh flows through Arunachal Pradesh and then enters the Assam and joints the Brahamaputra at Tejpur,
02. So this is Kameng river.(SP) right.

01. So the next river we find it's source in Tibet (SP) this is Manas river it flows through Tibet and enters the Bhutan.
02. So longest river in Bhutan and then joins the Brahamaputra (SP) in Assam. This is Manas

01. So the next one (SP) it is this Teesta river,
02. It orginets in Sikkem, flows through Sikkim - Westbengal and then Itarcy in Bangladesh.
03. Then joints with Brahamaputra or Jamuna in Bangladesh (SP).
04. So this is Teesta.
So we have discuss before when Teesta joints when Brahamputra it is called as Jamuna, and (SP) when Lohit joints with Changpo it called as Brahmaputra.

So have completed the tributaries of Brahmaputra to

So we have completed the Himalayan rivers Indus, Ganga and Brahmaputra.

So now let learn the trikes to remember the names of Ganga river tributaries.
We have trick a left bank tributaries and the right bank tributaries.
First the left bank tributaries.
01. Do you know the distance between the Ram Ganga and Maha Ganga it 4G kilometers (SP) right.
02. Let me explained 4G KM That mean's, 4G means GGGG.
03. The First G stands for Ram Ganga, So though with letter R stress Ram Ganga. Treated as G. so First G stands for Ram Ganga, second G stands for Gomati 3rd G Stands for Ghaghra 4th G for Gandak.
04. Then K stands for Kosi and M stands for Mahananda. Right this for left bank tributaries.

Let you see for right bank tributaries.
01. It is a name it is YASODA  in this YA stands for Yamuna, SO stands for Soan, and DA stands for Damodara right so now we have completed the tricks for the names let the focus the location of tributries of Ganda.

So assume a line as Ganga. let us see the tributaries let us find when comes from the source find first a left bank tributaries then right bank tributaries, then left bank tributaries than one right bank tributary , then three left bank tributaries and than one right bank tributary. So one one - Two one - three one - let us see them This is Ram Ganga, This is Yemuna (SP) Gomati and Ghaghara, this is Sone - Gandak Kosi Mahananda and this is damodara.

So here 4GKM and here YASADA . We have completed the tricks too. So we learn peninsula river into next Video.

Thank you


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Sep 2018 to Personal GK Tests